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Are internal and external CCTV cameras installed at all entrances and monitored 24 x 7 x 365?
Yes, we have cameras at all external and internal entrances within the site and also throughout the data halls. They are monitored by our operatons and data centre security team 24 x 7 x 365
If I need to get a supplier on-site for an emergency incident and they are not setup on the portal, what is the process to get them access to my equipment?
Please log an access ticket as normal and state the engineers name and contact details and which racks you would like them to access. Once they arrive their ID and ticket reference will be checked as per our standard procedure. If required we can escort them to your racks.
Are you PCI compliant for access security?
Yes, we retain External and Internal CCTV video footage and door access system logs in line with PCI DSS requirements.
How do we get access to our equipment that's housed in a Lunar site?
When you sign a contract with Lunar, we request that you send us a list of authorised personnel from your company that are to be permitted access. We then set them up on our portal with 2FA security and your team members can then request access or support 24 x 7 x 365. Each access request gets forwarded to our security team who will check attendees ID against the access request and if a match is made they will allocate an access pass and let them in.
Why should we choose Lunar Digital to assist with our streaming requirements?
The team at Lunar has extensive experience of satellite downlink and distribution systems gained over many years working with major TV, music and advert analytics companies.
Can you help us to upload content to a public cloud provider from your Data Centres?
Yes we can provide direct cloud connections with a dedicated layer 2 feed into any of the major clouds directly from all of our Data Centres and on-net locations.
Which Satellites can you downlink from?
We can downlink all major European and some African satellite frequencies. If you need something further afield we can work with our partners to assist.
What is the Lunar Digital Streaming Platform?
Lunar Digital’s media platform enables customers to capture live TV, Radio and Satellite or Cable channels and stream them directly over an IP network at any resolution to any destination.
What hardware do we need to provide in order to use the streaming platform?
None, we deploy high spec Virtual Machines that are ready to ingest the multicast streams. This allows our clients to simply install their chosen build on to the VMs and not have to worry about the underlying infrastructure which is maintained and operated by Lunar Digital
Can you supply 3 phase power to our HPC environment?
We have deployed 3 phase power to some of our Manchester clients and can also deliver multiple 32 amp single phase power feeds if required.
What type of containment system do you use for HPC and AI type environments?
We use a bespoke hot aisle containment system for our higher density rack pods for HPC type customers
What type of cooling system do you use for HPC and AI type requirements?
We currently use a Vertiv In Row cooling system which allows us to deliver cold air directly to the front of the racks
What is the maximum per rack power you can deliver in Manchester for HPC and AI type requirements?
We can deliver up to 15 kW of power per rack
Do you have technical staff onsite 24/7/365?
Yes, we have our own NOC technical team that work around the clock enabling us to support your needs at any time.
Do you offer remote hands?
Yes, all of our customers receive a remote hands service 24/7/365. This service ranges from basic reboots, visual checks all the way to advanced support.
Can I unload and park easily?
Of course. All our sites have goods-in access for space to un-load equipment and plenty of on-site parking.
Can I have hardware deliveries made straight to Lunar Digital?
Yes, our delivery procedure is outlined in our welcome pack.
Can I access my equipment 24/7/365?
Yes, however in order to maximise security entry to our sites is appointment only however this is easily done via our Lunar portal.
How many unplanned power outages have you had?
None. However, we remain obsessed towards monitoring all our infrastructure with a view to keeping it that way.
What is the difference between 'dual' and 'diverse dual' power feeds?
Many data centres offer dual feeds at the rack, these both come from the same uninterruptable power supply (UPS), which if it fails means both feeds go down. Lunar Digital offer dual diverse feeds which come from completely separate power chains with their own UPS generator/substation infrastructure.
How can I be sure that I'm using my bandwidth effectively?
We provide our customers with life traffic graphing allowing them to view and analyse their bandwidth usage in real time.
I need a backhaul from another data centre?
No problem at all, with our diverse fibre networks we can connect you to almost any facility in the world.
What Carriers do you have onsite?
We have over 20+ tier 1 and tier 2 on net carriers including Zayo, Colt, Cogent and EU Networks Click here to find out more about our connectivity partners.
Can I connect to peering exchanges at Lunar Digital Data Centres?
LINX and Lunar Digital have joined forces to make it easier for networks to peer at one of the largest Internet exchanges in the world. Lunar Digital can offer the complete peering connection to LINX in both London and Manchester.
Why use Lunar Digital connectivity?
Between our team, we have been delivering all types of managed networking solutions for years and have a deep well of experience to draw on to ensure your network is designed to deliver the very best performance.
What download speed do I need?
This depends majorly on lots of varying factors including how many staff you have at your office, where your applications are based and what type of business you are – for example video content can be large and a fast network connection is required to ensure that you can readily access content.
Is SD-WAN or MPLS better?
SD-WAN can provide similar performance and reliability to an MPLS circuit. This is achieved by aggregating various transport media and optimising traffic routing rather than relying on predefined point to point circuits.
How can I find a list of carriers I can connect to at Lunar Digitals Data Centres?
Explore connectivity partners, contact them and make connections via our partners pages.
How can I book a data centre tour at Lunar Digital?
Please click "Make an enquiry" or book a tour throughout our website and follow the on-screen instructions.
Where can I find your ISO certificates?
Lunar Digitals ISO certificates can be found on our certifications page.
What's the smallest rack space Lunar Digital's Data Centres offer?
¼ rack is the smallest space available
Do you have build rooms?
Yes. We have chairs, tables, power, monitors, keyboards and WIFI in our build rooms across both sites.
VESDA Systems
Very early smoke detection apparatus
Glossary item
Uninterruptible power supply. A device placed in series with the supply of power from the utility which contains energy storage such that the supply of power from the UPS is continuous even when the utility supply is removed. While battery-based energy storage is the most common, flywheel-based energy storage is gaining in popularity due to the reduced maintenance cost.
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Tier 4
Multiple active power and cooling distribution paths, redundant components, fault tolerant and 99.995% availability. Also known as fault tolerant.
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Tier 1
Single path for power and cooling distribution, no redundant components and 99.671% availability.
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Tier 3
Multiple power and cooling distribution paths, but only one path active, redundant components, concurrently maintainable and 99.9% availability. Also known as concurrently maintainable.
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Tier 2
Single path for power and cooling distribution, redundant components and 99.741% availability.
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Returned air
The heated air returning to air conditioning equipment.
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Supply air
The cooled airflow emitted from air conditioning equipment.
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Raised floor
Metal flooring on stanchions that creates a plenum for airflow and cabling, synonymous with RMF.
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Restricted areas
Space(s) within the data centre where sensitive business operations take place and access is strictly controlled.
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Point of presence (POP)
The locations at which a carrier establishes itself to provide access to its network infrastructure, to interconnect customers to its services, or to interconnect with other carriers or third parties for the purpose of exchanging network information and traffic.
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A receiving chamber for air used to direct airflow.
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Proximity card system
A computer controlled access system using electrically controlled locks that are released when an authorized card is placed against a proximity reader.
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Optical Fibre
Sheathed strands of glass fibre used to transport information (digital signals) from one point to another.
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N+1 redundancy is a form of resilience that ensures system availability in the event of component failure. Components (N) have at least one independent backup component (+1).
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The amount of time it takes for a packet of data to get from one designated point to another.
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Meet-me rooms (MMR)
Highly secure areas In global switch data centres specifically designed to house telecommunication providers networks equipment and cable termination infrastructure.
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Main distribution area (MDA)
The central space where the point of the distribution for the structured cabling system is located. The data centre shall have at least one main distribution frame. The core routers and core switches for the data centre networks are often located in or near the main distribution area.
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Liquid cooling
A general term used to refer to cooling technology that uses a liquid to evacuate heat. In data centres, the two prevalent forms of heat evacuation are liquid (chilled water) and refrigerant (DX).
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Interconnection bandwidth
A measure, calculated in bits/sec, of the capacity provisioned to privately and directly exchange traffic between two or more parties, inside carrier-neutral colocation data centres.
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A unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of power sustained for one hour.
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the direct and private traffic exchange between two or more parties, inside a carrier-neutral colocation data center.
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A derived unit of power (joule/second). 1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts. In electrical circuits, power = current (amps) x potential (volts), and in AC electrical circuits power = power factor x current x volts.
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ISO 27001
An information security management system. Provides a systematic approach to security information management. Assists businesses in identifying, analyzing and addressing information security risks.
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In-row cooling
cooling technology installed between racks in a row that draws warm air from the hot aisle and delivers cool air to the cold aisle, minimizing the path of the air.
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Heating, ventilating and air conditioning
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ISO 14001
An environmental management system. Defines environmental management processes to help businesses manage their environmental responsibilities.
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ISO 9001
A quality management system defines a quality management system to help businesses to manage processes efficiently and effectively and to incorporate best practice methodology.
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International organisation for standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental membership organization and the worlds largest developer of voluntary international standards. ISO international standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality.
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An organization characterized by its scale, diverse operations and structured hierarchy, and driven by specific objectives � which may encompass profitability, growth, market dominance or the delivery of specialized products or services.
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Hot aisle
An aisle where rack backs face into the aisle. Heated exhaust air from the equipment in the racks enters this aisle and is then directed to the CRAC return vents.
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When an organization's digital presence meets the physical world by providing proximity to customers, employees endpoints and places of business. Leaders are distributing infrastructure across the digital edge for better efficiency, enhanced customer insights and seamless and secure experiences.
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Disaster recovery sites
Off site locations set up by organizations to allow them to re-establish operations and continue to trade in the event of a disaster.
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Cross connects
Interconnections between defined A and B points from a suite or rack providing direct access to our extensive carrier and cloud service provider community.
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Customer incident report (CIR)
A global switch report for distribution and communication to customers affected by an incident.
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Data centre
A global switch facility
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Data centre
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Critical load
A system that directly affects business operators so must be kept running even in the event of mains power failure, I.e. is uninterrupted.
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The provision of facilities such as cables, devices or bandwidth to support voice and data connections.
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Cold spot
An area where ambient air temperature is below desired levels. Typically caused by ineffective airflow management necessitating a temperature set point lower than that which would be required with proper airflow management.
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Using either long curtains or rigid plastic to maintain a physical barrier between a hot and cold aisle. Keeping warm exhaust air away from the intake of the server racks is a crucial part of making any data centre more efficient.
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Carrier neutral
A carrier neutral data centre is independent of the telecommunications operators located in the facility and allows interconnection between multiple telecommunication carriers and /or colocation providers.
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Cold aisle
An aisle where rack fronts face into the aisle. Chilled airflow is directed into this aisle so that it can enter the fronts of the racks in a highly efficient manner.
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Customer portal
An online global switch customer facing system to facilitate and enhance the provision and management of global switch products and services by customers.
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Biometric access
A technique used to authenticate an operator using physical characteristics, I.e. facial recognition, fingerprint scans, retinal scans, iris recognition and hand geometry.
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Cable management
The process of managing the routes of all cables entering and travelling within the data center, ensuring that they are labelled and documented to facilitate installation and removal.
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Carbon footprint
A measure of the volume of carbon dioxide generated by business operations, units are commonly metric tons.
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device for holding IT equipment, sometimes also referred to as a rack.
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Asecure and restricted area built within a shared data suite to the customers security requirements. Normally constructed of perforated sheet steel or wire mesh, hence 'cage'.
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Data centres
2 minute read

An Insight into the Manchester Data Centre Market

Manchester has long been a powerhouse of innovation and industry in the UK. Today, its status as a tech hub is being solidified with the rapid growth of its data centre market.
4 minute read

Choosing the Right Colocation Partner: Key Considerations for 2025

Selecting the right colocation partner is more critical than ever. As businesses increasingly rely on data-intensive applications, AI workloads, and high-performance computing, the infrastructure supporting these operations must be robust, scalable, and future-ready.
Data centres
2 minute read

AI Action Plan: A New Era for the UK – Lunar Digital’s Perspective

The UK government’s recently announced AI Opportunities Action Plan marks a pivotal moment in the nation’s journey toward embracing artificial intelligence.
3 minute read

How to Ensure Seamless Data Centre Migration

A well-executed data centre migration can be a game changer for your business. Whether you're moving to a new facility, consolidating operations, or upgrading infrastructure, ensuring a seamless transition is critical to maintaining uptime and minimising disruptions.
Data centres
6 minute read

Data Centre Trends to Watch in 2025

Looking ahead to 2025, data centres must adapt to these changes to remain at the forefront of digital transformation. From cutting-edge cooling techniques to high-density power capabilities, here are the key data centre trends shaping the future.
Data centres
3 minute read

Why Your Business Can’t Overlook a Local Data Centre Provider

Choosing the right data centre provider is one of the most important decisions your business will make. While global providers often dominate the conversation, there are significant advantages to working with a local data centre provider.
Data centres
4 minute read

The Rising Cost of Downtime for Your Business

Whether caused by network outages, power failures, or IT system errors, downtime can lead to financial losses, damaged reputations, and disrupted operations. For businesses relying on digital infrastructure, ensuring uptime is an absolute necessity.
4 minute read

How HPC drives innovation

With the sheer volume and complexity of data that businesses now handle, traditional computing methods are no longer sufficient. Enter High-Performance Computing (HPC)—a powerful tool that’s transforming industries by enabling rapid data processing, advanced simulations, and groundbreaking research.
5 minute read

Colocation vs. On-Prem Infrastructure: What’s Best for Your Business?

Choosing the right infrastructure for your business is more critical than ever. As companies grow and adopt new technologies like AI, big data, and IoT, the demand for scalable, secure, and reliable infrastructure increases.
5 minute read

Why Colocation is Core to Digital Transformation

Organisations across all industries are adopting digital technologies to enhance operations, drive innovation, and remain competitive.
Data centres
6 minute read

Data centres: The backbone of modern society

In today’s world, data centres are as crucial to the functioning of society as the NHS and the national power grid. 
5 minute read

Changing times: The sustainable data centre

As the demand for data grows, so does the responsibility to manage our environmental impact. 
5 minute read

Data Centres Recognised as Critical National Infrastructure

The UK government has taken a pivotal step by recognising data centres as Critical National Infrastructure (CNI).
5 minute read

Manchester: A Rising Tech Hub Powered by Data Centre Investment

Manchester is steadily establishing itself as a significant tech hub in the UK, gaining recognition for its innovation, talent, and business-friendly environment.
4 minute read

Unlocking Economic Efficiency with Lunar Connect Solutions

Our Lunar Connect platform is designed to provide your enterprise with the robust, scalable connectivity it needs to thrive across industries such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, AI, managed service providers, internet service providers, and enterprise-level organisations.
3 minute read

Maximising Efficiency with Lunar Digital's Cutting-Edge Data Centre Solutions

Whether you're in healthcare, finance, ecommerce, AI, or any other data-intensive industry, the infrastructure supporting your operations plays a crucial role in your success.
3 minutes

Lunar Digital: Leading the Charge in Sustainable Practices

Our commitment to environmental and social governance (ESG) is not only a corporate responsibility but a passionate mission to make the world a better place for future generations.
4 minute read

Real-Life Use Cases of Lunar Digital's Colocation Data Centres

Businesses across various industries must ensure their IT infrastructure is robust, scalable, and secure. Here are some theoretical examples that highlight the benefits our clients could experience by leveraging our colocation services.
4 minute read

Current Challenges in the Dutch Data Center Market

The data centre industry in the Netherlands is facing a series of challenges that require immediate and innovative solutions. Understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial for industry professionals looking to maintain and expand their operations.
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Welcome To Lunar Digital!

Welcome To Lunar Digital! We hope you enjoy our short video showcasing our facilities and services

Edge Data Centres

What is an Edge Data Centre?, view our video all about Lunar Digital's edge Data Centre portfolio to find out

How Colocation enhances network performance

Watch our Video explaining how Colocation at a Lunar Data Centre can enhance network performance

Dark Fibre

What is Dark Fibre? View Lunar Digital's short video explaining all about it!

LINX Partnership

Interconnectivity starts with LINX! Watch our short video discussing how having LINX in the Lunar 1 and 2 data centres can help customers build a low latency network

Boxing sessions for employee wellbeing

See how Lunar Digital's staff let off steam at the Moss Side boxing club! #wellbeing

Welcome To Lunar Digital

Welcome To Lunar Digital! We hope you enjoy our short video showcasing our facilities and services

Lunar 1 Data Centre Video Tour

Take a video tour of our Lunar 1 data centre in Manchester

Lunar 2 Data Centre Video Tour

Take a video tour of our Lunar 2 data centre in Manchester

Navigating the Skies: The Transformative Impact of AI on Aviation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming aviation by enhancing safety, efficiency, and the passenger experience. It predicts maintenance needs and optimizes flight paths for safer journeys, while also improving fuel consumption and route planning. AI-driven innovations streamline passenger processes and personalize services, and it elevates maintenance standards by predicting component failures. Looking ahead, AI opens possibilities for autonomous flights and advanced air traffic management. Lunar Digital's co-founder, Charlie Appleby, highlights how AI-driven weather modeling enhances safety and efficiency in their general aviation operations across the U.K.
February 12, 2025
1 minute
Mark Sedgley

Lunar Digital- Predictions and Price Drivers For The Wholesale Electricity Market Unveiled

Predicting wholesale electricity prices for data centers is complex and influenced by factors like increasing energy demand, the integration of renewable energy, energy storage technologies, and government policies. Fluctuating fuel prices and advancements in energy efficiency also play significant roles. To navigate these challenges, data centers should monitor industry trends and implement energy management strategies to optimize costs.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Lunar Digital: Pioneering High Performance Computing in the Transportation Sector

Lunar Digital is transforming the transportation sector with its high-performance computing (HPC) solutions, enabling organizations to address complex challenges and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging HPC, transportation agencies can optimize traffic management, reducing congestion and emissions through real-time data analysis. Additionally, Lunar Digital supports vehicle design advancements by enhancing safety and fuel efficiency via complex simulations. The company also improves smart logistics and supply chain management by analyzing large datasets to streamline operations. Furthermore, Lunar Digital is instrumental in the development of autonomous vehicles, processing sensor data for real-time analysis and safety improvements. Overall, Lunar Digital is driving innovation and efficiency in the transportation industry.
February 12, 2025
3 minute read
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Lunar Digital: Revolutionising Health Care with High-Performance Computing

Lunar Digital is transforming healthcare with its high-performance computing (HPC) data centre solutions, improving patient care, medical research, and drug discovery. HPC allows healthcare professionals to efficiently analyze complex data, conduct simulations, and accelerate drug discovery while enabling precision medicine through genomic analysis. It also facilitates real-time data processing for better decision-making in critical situations. By addressing challenges related to data management, security, and resource allocation, Lunar Digital enhances patient outcomes and drives innovation in the healthcare sector.
February 12, 2025
3 minute read
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Lunar Digital announces exciting new partnership with Zayo group

Lunar Digital is revolutionizing the academic sector with its advanced high-performance computing (HPC) solutions. By providing unparalleled computing power and efficient cooling infrastructure, Lunar Digital enables institutions to access significant resources without heavy investments. Their HPC offerings accelerate scientific discovery by facilitating complex simulations and data analysis, empowering researchers to tackle larger problems and uncover insights. This positions Lunar Digital as a leader in driving innovation and advancements in academic research.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Lunar Digital: Revolutionising High-Performance Computing in the Academic Sector

Lunar Digital is revolutionizing the academic sector with its advanced high-performance computing (HPC) solutions. By providing unparalleled computing power and efficient cooling infrastructure, Lunar Digital enables institutions to access significant resources without heavy investments. Their HPC offerings accelerate scientific discovery by facilitating complex simulations and data analysis, empowering researchers to tackle larger problems and uncover insights. This positions Lunar Digital as a leader in driving innovation and advancements in academic research.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
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Lunar Digital Unveils the Transformative Role of AI in Advancing ESG Goals

Lunar Digital emphasizes AI's crucial role in advancing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. By leveraging AI, businesses can optimize resource use, enhance environmental sustainability, engage stakeholders through sentiment analysis, and improve governance with automated compliance tools. CEO Robin Garbutt highlights that technology should foster positive change, and Lunar Digital is dedicated to using AI to build a sustainable future for all.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Exploring the Key Drivers of Growth in the Data Centre Industry

The data centre industry is rapidly growing due to several factors: Cloud Computing drives demand for scalable infrastructure. Edge Computing enhances real-time processing with reduced latency. The data explosion requires robust storage and analytics capabilities. Sustainability initiatives focus on energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprints. Lunar Digital is at the forefront, providing innovative solutions for businesses in the digital era.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
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Busting Data Centre Sustainability Myths: Lunar Digital's Commitment To A Sustainable Future

Lunar Digital is committed to sustainability in data centers, aiming to dispel common myths: Being green is costly - In reality, tax incentives and lower renewable energy costs make it affordable. Cooling affects water supply - Data centers use sustainable water sources and efficient closed-loop systems. The industry is power-hungry - Many data centers are now energy-efficient, utilizing renewable sources. Providers aren't advancing sustainability - The sector actively drives green initiatives. By promoting these truths, Lunar Digital seeks to educate and inspire positive change in the industry.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
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The Data Centre Boom: Why Big Brands Are Investing and Why It Matters

Data centres are essential for storing and securing valuable data as digital transformation accelerates. Major brands invest in them for enhanced security, reliability, scalability, global reach, and cost efficiency. TikTok's recent acquisition of a data center in Dublin exemplifies this trend, improving service quality and reducing latency for European users. As data fuels the digital economy, data centres remain crucial for businesses to secure their digital future and drive growth.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Leading the Way: Lunar Digital's Commitment to a Climate-Positive Data Centre Industry

Lunar Digital is pioneering a climate-positive approach in the data center industry, aiming beyond net-zero through carbon-offset initiatives like tree planting and solar projects. Via the Lunar Aid Foundation, we support environmental and social causes, including aid to Ukraine and help for low-income families. With a focus on energy-efficient computing, we’re committed to sustainable, high-performance solutions that empower both businesses and the planet.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
Charlie Appleby

Elevating your business with Lunar Digitals Capabilities

Partnering with Lunar Digital’s data centers offers unmatched reliability, robust security, and cost-efficiency, eliminating the need for costly in-house infrastructure. With scalable, flexible solutions and access to expert management, businesses can focus on core goals. Our geographic diversity supports disaster recovery, and our commitment to sustainability aligns with CSR goals. Choose Lunar Digital to drive growth and thrive in today’s digital world.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
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Choosing the right Data Centre partner: Key Environmental considerations for businesses

As data center reliance grows, choosing an eco-conscious provider is essential. Lunar Digital leads with climate-positive practices, energy efficiency, and strong ESG commitments, including tree planting and solar projects. Our sustainable approach reduces environmental impact while future-proofing operations. Join Lunar Digital in building a greener, data-driven future.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
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What makes Lunar Digital different?

Lunar Digital offers tailored digital solutions in colocation, high-performance computing, and connectivity with data centres in Manchester and Norway. Known for innovation, client collaboration, and a commitment to sustainability, including 100% carbon-neutral energy in Norway, Lunar Digital helps businesses stay competitive and future-ready in the digital world.
February 12, 2025
1 minute read
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What Data Centre Investment Means for Manchester's Future

Manchester is quickly becoming a UK tech hub, fueled by data centre investments like Lunar Digital's acquisition of the former Equinix MA2. These centres enhance the city’s digital infrastructure, attracting tech businesses, creating high-skilled jobs, and supporting data-driven sectors such as healthcare, finance, and AI. Despite challenges like energy use, data centres position Manchester as a competitive force in the global tech landscape.
February 12, 2025
3 minute read
Charlie Appleby

Maximising Efficiency with Lunar Digital's Cutting-Edge Data Centre Solutions

Lunar Digital offers advanced data centre solutions to enhance efficiency for businesses in data-intensive sectors like healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. Key benefits include centralized data management, scalable infrastructure, and robust security measures. Their facilities provide redundancy and disaster recovery to minimize downtime, cost savings through optimized energy usage, high-performance HVAC systems for cooling, and diverse connectivity options. With a customer-centric approach, Lunar Digital tailors solutions to meet specific business needs, making it an ideal partner for improving data management strategies.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Real-Life Use Cases of Lunar Digital's Colocation Data Centres

Lunar Digital offers colocation data centres designed to provide robust, scalable, and secure IT infrastructure for various industries. By leveraging these services, clients can enhance disaster recovery, achieve scalability and flexibility, improve performance and reliability, and ensure compliance with data protection laws. The data centres feature secure, redundant infrastructure for swift recovery, high-performance computing for better application reliability, and industry-leading security measures. Lunar Digital focuses on customer-centric solutions, partnering with decision-makers to address specific business challenges and foster strong relationships.
February 12, 2025
3 minute read
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Unlocking Economic Efficiency with Lunar Connect Solutions

Lunar Digital’s Lunar Connect platform provides robust, scalable connectivity solutions for industries like healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and AI. It offers key economic benefits through services such as IP transit, Metro-Connect, Managed WAN, Direct Cloud Connectivity, and SD-WAN. These solutions ensure high performance, low latency, scalability, and cost efficiency, helping businesses optimise operations and reduce downtime. Lunar Connect is designed to deliver reliable, flexible, and secure networks, empowering enterprises to achieve greater economic benefits while focusing on growth.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Lunar Digital: Leading the Charge in Sustainable Practices

Lunar Digital is committed to sustainability, aiming to go beyond carbon neutrality to become climate positive. With energy-efficient designs, renewable energy-powered facilities, and initiatives like tree plantations and solar projects, they lead the data centre industry in environmental responsibility. Their social efforts, through the Lunar Aid Foundation, further demonstrate their dedication to making a positive impact. Lunar Digital's mission is to set a standard for a greener future in the data centre sector.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Enhancing connectivity through LINX

This whitepaper highlights the importance of MAPS peering through the London Internet Exchange (LINX), which enhances connectivity by reducing latency, increasing bandwidth, and improving reliability. Lunar Digital’s state-of-the-art data centres support MAPS peering with LINX, offering businesses robust, scalable, and cost-efficient connectivity solutions. By leveraging this infrastructure, businesses gain high-speed, low-latency connections, ensuring operational efficiency and competitiveness in the digital ecosystem.
February 12, 2025
3 minute read
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The Ultimate Guide to Data Centre Migration: Ensuring a Seamless Transition with Lunar Digital

Lunar Digital's data centre migration guide highlights the benefits of enhanced security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Despite challenges like data security and maintaining continuity, their proven approach ensures minimal downtime through detailed audits, pre-cabling, and secure transport. By partnering with Lunar Digital, businesses can ensure a seamless, efficient migration.
February 12, 2025
2 minute read
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Data Centres Recognised as Critical National Infrastructure: A New Era for the Digital Economy

The UK has designated data centres as Critical National Infrastructure (CNI), recognizing their key role in national security and the digital economy. A £3.75 billion investment in a major data centre will create nearly 14,000 jobs and boost investor confidence. For Lunar Digital, this means enhanced security, uninterrupted service, and increased growth opportunities
February 12, 2025
3 minute read
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Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Ensuring Compliance with DORA: The Essential Role of Data Centres
February 12, 2025
5 minute read
Robin Garbutt
Mark Sedgley


Feb 2024
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